A documentary on it came out on Blu-ray disc posthumously with a soundtrack that was certified Platinum in several countries.) (Jackson planned to do a tour called This Is It, but it was cancelled after his death. The chorus says, "Now don't you step on my blue suede shoes," so in stepping on his shoes, Jackson hopes to irritate Presley.) (Jackson's signature move was his moonwalk, and Presley covered Carl Perkins' "Blue Suede Shoes", for which Presley's adaptation is more well-known.

Watch me moonwalk and I step on your blue suede! Jackson makes a joke where shoot can mean shooting a gun and shooting a camera, but in this case, he means to shoot him with a gun.) When Presley first showed his dance moves on the show, Sullivan was so unnerved by Presley's "vulgar" dancing that he made the cameraman shoot him from the waist up in order not to show viewers his throbbing crotch. (Both Jackson and Presley appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Referencing the title of his songs, he calls himself tough compared to Elvis.)Ĭall me Ed Sullivan, shoot you from the waist up! ("Bad" and "Smooth Criminal" are both songs from Michael Jackson. I'm Bad! I'm a Smooth Criminal! Better face up! He may also be calling Presley's song shit.) (Presley was found dead on his toilet, and "Burning Love" is one of Presley's songs in which he says, "I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love." A hunk is a lump or large chunk of something, so Jackson uses this phrase as a euphemism for excrement. So you won't die on the toilet dropping hunks of Burning Love! Ironically, Jackson would be killed by doctor-administered prescription drug abuse in 2009.) (Presley's death came from drug abuse, so Jackson says he shouldn't have overdosed on so many drugs. Here's a tip: don't swallow a bucket of drugs, (One of Jackson's signature songs is "Beat It". He says this to show that he beat every record Presley made in the music entertainment industry, still holding these world records today.)

Jackson says that Elvis's dancing is comparable to epilepsy, a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures, and he has nothing but left feet (two left feet), or dances bad.) (Having two left feet means being clumsy (especially when referring to dancing). You dance like an epileptic, nothing but left feet! I've seen it! This could also be a jab at Elvis gaining weight later in his life.) A person's belly gets wobbly when they are overweight and fried/grilled cheese can cause a person to get fat. Rockabilly also sounds similar to rock-a-belly.

In other words, he changed the music to his own style, and Jackson accuses him of stealing it, as well as calling Presley's music cheesy. At the time, African-Americans were the people dominating rock and roll music, and Elvis made music out of it with his early works by melding rock and country elements in what became known as "rockabilly" the popularity he achieved was mainly due to the now-abolished segregation laws in areas of the United States preventing the marketing of African-American music to white audiences. (Elvis, though known as the "King of Rock and Roll", didn't create the genre. You stole rock and roll, gave us rockabilly cheese! He also references Elvis impersonators, or people who dress themselves like Elvis, and how they perform at fake Elvis concerts, normally titled things like "Elvis Lives".) ("As I live and breathe" is an idiomatic expression used to show surprise at coming across someone or something, and Jackson can't believe he's up against Presley in this battle. Oooh! Elvis Presley as I live and breathe!